Monday, October 09, 2006

Intergenerational Sex Talk

Do this with your mom!
(made up by Pauline McKenzie and Alexis Pauline Gumbs)
Keeping it Real Around the Kitchen Table*
Talking About Sex from Generation to Generation

materials: an easel or a blackboard with markers/chalk,
a television with a vhs vcr
a cd player

-Facilitator Introductions: the mother daughter team introduces itself
-Go-Around Introductions: (10 minutes)
(name, where you're from and ONE thing you want
your daughter to know/wish your mother would tell you about
-Background Information
Share stats about how studies have shown that black girls whose
mothers talk to them about sex wait longer and make more healthy
choices (like being less likely to have sex under the influence of
drugs or alcohol).
see Pro-choice Popular Education Project Document "She Speaks" at
and for stats
(you may split into mothers and daughters at this point)
screening of a music video
mothers and daughters each freewrite and
share everything that comes to mind when they watch the video
we talk about what is different and what is the same
-Roadside Radio Role-play:
set up two chairs and mother's and daughter role play a conversation
they could have about sex and relationships sparked by a song that
comes on the radio (we'll have two mother daughter pairs do this) and
in one instance the daughter will spark the conversation (using an old
school song that comes on the radio) and in the other the mother will
spark the conversation about a contemporary song.

a group brainstorm of possible everyday opportunities for
conversations about sex and relationships.


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